Monday, August 4, 2014

Photo Challenge 2014 Week 30: Still-Life Time

I'm really excited.  There is this website that I just joined.  Every week there is a new challenge you have to complete and it stretches your creativity and skills as a photographer so it's great for me!

Week 30: Still-Life Time

"Growing thyme.... It just takes time."

It was important to me to blur the minutes in this one to show how fast an hour can pass us by. It's incredible what we can accomplish in an hour, but it's also incredible how it can so quickly be wasted.

And my favorite of them all:  Traffic.

Buddy spends 1 1/2 hours in traffic which is the ultimate waste of time, especially when you know you COULD be somewhere else doing something so much better! Traffic prevents us from our destinations and creates delays in our days.

But this traffic is special.

This is the time I spent creating traffic with my boys.

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